loud mouth (five red lipsticks)

by wingandwell

It’s ironic that red lipsticks should be the bastion of sluts everywhere, when if one were to act on any of the indiscretions a red lip suggests, they would end up with Kool-aid mouth, which is ultimately, not cool. No, red lips are better suited to the tease – striking, yes, but she is going home alone.

Maybe it’s to offset my short boyish hair, or I’m finally settling into my femininity, but a red lip has become my go-to look for the past year or so. Below, five of my favorites – from wine-red to coral, each shade has its own personality (though unfortunately, each of these personalities is high maintenance). The trick? A good pencil and a lip brush. Which is your favorite?

|ABOVE| L’Oréal saucy sangria, Giorgio Armani 400, Nars heat wave, Clarins clementine, YSL rouge pur 152